Sunday, May 10, 2009


Whew! What a day, time can still be there for something, and so as my blog. My last post here prior to reusing it was in September 2008, wherein I switched my blog from Blogger to Wordpress, which became my turning point in writing.

And yeah, one day, I thought of having my own journal, I considered MyBlogLog as my first choice, but I thought of something better, I switched back my old and the-wasted sports blog, which is this. Damn, when I returned to blogger late last month, I forgot my password and I just made my blog transformed into a wasted and not readable blog into my life journal or somewhat, my opinion central.

Transforming this one into my journal was really an overwhelming success, which made my blog cleaner and well-made. I would like to thank Mr. Rick Olivares of Business Mirror for infulencing me. Reading his blog made me a better writer. I've been a writer for quite a year now and this was really good, I guess this would be my training blog, so that I could be an excellent litreature author or somehow, a writer. Thumbs-up!

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